Friday, October 23, 2009

There have been so many column inches - blog, print etc - on Nick Griffin's appearance on the BBC's question time last night, that I don't really feel like there's much I can add. However, having been trapped in Broadcasting House in Bristol last night while a bunch of protesters yelled slogans at the front of the building, I think the BBC were totally right to have him on. He's an elected representative of the British people, x amount of Brits have voted for him, and he raises an ugly mirror to the current government; if their policies are so good, why is the number of BNP members expanding?

It was a shame that Jack Straw obviously didn't want to answer that one. The issue of Labour's immigration policies was pretty much the only decent question of the whole night. While I can't deny that seeing someone like Mr. Griffin taking a pasting on national television does give some level of satisfaction, it was also slightly uncomfortable watching the mainstream parties get such an easy ride. I'd have liked to have seen a few more questions and a few less comments.

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